A day at the settlers..hmm monday had a test in the afternoon, and went home straight away to prepare to meet yensaing, ajh, ming woei and hui bing for dinner.. well they had jap tests, which i obviously am not one of them cus i FAILED my jap yr 1.. haha anyways they finished at around 7 and met up with them at dover, where we set off to holland V for dinner.. at first we couldnt decide on where to eat, den i kinda suggested we go settlers to eat n play too =D
when we reached there we quickly ordered our food and search for some games to play.. first few game was a card game that test ur reaction.. and from this game we found out that AJH [ jiahui] has really no talent at tt.. haha in e end he lost and got forfeited.. haha den we got him to call and scold bernard for his forfeit.. we also ask him to tell bernard y he stole his gf [which is obviously a lie], haha then bernard was like ' huh?? what? im bernard leh, u sure u got the rite person? ' haha so funny sia..
den we played on.. the next loser was huibing.. haha den we decided to ask her call shawn and tell him she love him and wan him to be his bf.. [ i tink she was kinda happy to do tt =x ] lol but shawn knew it was a prank cus i told him i was going out them, stupid me..
den our dinner came inbetween the game, i had chicken cutlet while the others had fish n chips and grilled chicken.. to be truthful.. it wasnt anywhere near nice.. the cutlet was abit too dry and not that crispy.. but oh well i cant expect much since this cafe focus more on games ya?
then we played a few other games and one of them was PIT! haha
pic of us playing pit

as usual, u can expect AJH to be in the losers list.. haha in fact he lost so many times we got tired of asking him to do forfeit so we jus carried on playing..
yensiang and huibing

from left - ming woei [ he seems to be in deep thoughts] and AJH

now ming woei is outta his deep thoughts..

im jus trying to look like some mysterious game master but i failed.. hahaha crap =s

we played till 10+ and took train home..
well anyways i finally took a pic of snowy letting me to 'sayang' him.. see he face down to let me sayang his head.. haha =D

GEMs Presentation =Dlast fridae we did our GEMs skit and it went pretty well due to our few previous practice where we met up once a week to discuss our plot and stuff..for our skit, we are supposed to role play a scene of job interviewing.. we got the boss, the secretary, and 4 interviewers [2 guys 2 girls, 2 correct 2 wrong demostration] i was the wrong de and apple was the secretary.. for my part, i had to act like an beng, talk roughly and basically act like one..and here's our group pics.. [from left: lionel, me, nancy, elieen, teck wun and apple]

then we took pics with the other groups =)

haha had a great time being in a grp with them.. hope we will meet each other at sch or someting..
i still miss the lobster..
Pretty at every side
yup changed my blog song, this time it's by david tao called mei yi mian dou mei [pretty at every side] well.. i just can't get tired of his songs, haha =)
anyways, bernard's birthdae was a few daes ago, bought a stussy orange shirt for him and wanted to celebrate on fri but in the morning he sms-ed me saying his wallet was lost, so celebration was kinda cancelled, yup.. hope u can find back ur wallet ya?
for those who duno how he looks lik nw or if u have nv see him b4, this is how he looks like and what he likes to do.. =D
obviously he's not the one carry the baby, duh!
oops, he has some things for dolls =S
he likes to ride on an undersize pony..

he likes to play with hula-hoops, at least twice a day, haha =x

also, he likes to torture winnie the pooh [ ok one of the pooh is i hang de, haha but i'll jus say it's him anyways =) ]

ok enough of him, later he scold me again, haha well a week ago i almost lost my file which inside contains a few important stuff - my fav black pen, orange highlighter, always needed tissue paper and my KEYs.. gees, i wun be able to get home if i lost tt.. [ environmental study is considered to be not important now so im not gonna list it as important stuff, but hope i don't repeat this crazy module.. ]

this few daes i took some random pics, lik this pic of a road junction near my hse, black n white style [ well i don't have solarised effect u see =( ].. it looks surprisingly clear tho it's taken from my phone..

and of cus a pic of snowy!!

well, more tests and exams coming up, less time of using the net and more time on studying, hais, just this few weeks then i can finally relax for awhile, and have fun =D
Stranger than the fiction
went to watch this show recently, kinda miss the starting part abit, just becus i went to queue up for some churos, haha but the churos' was obviously worth it..
seriously when i watch the early section of the show, i tot it's gonna be another super boring and meaningless movie cus it just shows u what the main lead Harold Crick [Will Ferrell] does when he woke up - lik counting how many brushes he made when brushing his teeth and on his way to work, he would count how many steps it takes to reach the bustop, doubt any1 would do tt =S
so basically, he's a tax auditor which usually collects unpaid tax from people.. and while doing his job he keeps hearing a narrator voice inside him, saying all the things that's happening to him at tt moment, as if she was watching him..
at the same time, he met this woman, which is the owner of a cookie shop and also the person he needa collect tax from.. he eventually fell in love with her, and his life changed, way out of his boring and repeated routine..
just when he found happiness, he finally found out that the voice inside him is actually a bookwriter who likes to have the hero in her story dies in the end, this was bad cus the whole story is all bout what's happening to harold nw and if she ends his life, he would die in reality too.. well tts all im gonna spoil, watch it if u wanna noe wad happens.. =) i kinda lik this show, tink i'll giv it 7/10..
poster of the show
main lead looking at his toothbrush