Thursday, March 29, 2007;2:06 AM
damn, work is getting boring and boring-er.. i wish there would be some electricity cut off or someting at the company and will need to repair for like a week and more =)
haha you wish rh, unless you go bomb their main power supply lah.. ha crap =S 2 more weeks before i'm done with my itp, well hope this wkend will be a good one =)
anyway, tues met up with bernard at jurong point after work, he went to made full payment for his lappy, while i went to buy a new mouse for my new pc =) the previous mouse went crazy, it just double-clicks on it's own when i jus click once.. in the end i bought a white logitech mouse for 16.50$ at courts, then bernard ask me to pay in installments den im lik =S, lol.. tt's like less than 1$ per month for 2 yrs.. gosh, haha
well got to go sleep, tmr's a long day, i hope not.. =(
Tuesday, March 27, 2007;1:38 AM
the first song of my playlist is called Hello by my favourite local band - Electrico, this song is taken from their 2nd album 'Hip City'..
they first got my attention was when i heard the song called Runaway.. very nice smooth feeling to it =)
you guys might be wondering how they look lik rite.. how you go~
From L to R: Desmond Goh, William Lim Jr, David Tan, Daniel Sassoon & Amanda Ling
their album is available in almost all the CD stores, so go grab a copy if u like it =D
Monday, March 26, 2007;1:50 AM
in 3 more weeks..
-my itp will be done
-yr 3 of sch will start
-i still have to wake up early for classes
nw i jus wish 3 weeks will be over soon.. cus sch life is still better i guess.. can see ur frens like 5 days a wk.. dun hav to work for 9 hrs.. seriously, im getting tired of my itp.. lol maybe it's just me.. i get tired of things easily =S
anyways, this weekend is good! haha my computer is back =D after 1 and a half month of pc-less life [not including my freaking old pc lah], wow u dun wanna know wad i've gone through sia, ha..
then on sat went to play basketball with bernard & kt at somewhere near my hse.. we play halfway got this kid arh.. along with 2 little kids came to the court.. lol, funny sia they.. they keep helping us to get the ball =S somemore one of the kid even assign us power ranger roles.. kt is blue ranger [he wear blue shirt] bernard white [white shirt] den me at first is brown ranger, but in the end, he call me shit ranger.. sadded =( after our BB session, we went to the nearby coffeeshop for dinner and off we went home for dota! haha =)

hmm this picture looks kinda nice.. makes me think of the song - lil' star, haha..
hmm think i'll end here.. tmr still got work, sian arh!! =S
Sunday, March 25, 2007;2:46 AM
zhen yue's 19x365.25th day in her life..
erm.. in short, the heading means her birthday lah.. haha wadeva =s so around last last wk we went to celebrate her b'dae but b4 that.. me bernard kt and jiahui wanted to go to the IT fair so we make a detour to there first..
BUT when we exited from citylink to suntec, we saw nothing but a sea of heads, arms n legs.. its like waves n waves of ppl, all e way to suntec.. in the end we gave up.. so we went to another IT fair instead.. this small IT fair is always around, yup its sin lim sq haha.. saw quite a few amazing gadgets [ well at least it's amazing to me? ] but still none of us bought anything, ha..
around evening, we met up with the girls and had our dinner at TCC =)
kt and jiahui - seems like they look happy with their food 
for the whole day, he's trying to act cute.. =S

this is the birthday girl =)
hmm i don't remember why i did this.. haha mayb im drunk? but i jus drink ice water.. i might be spiked!? oh no..
the girls.. xinli - emily - jiaqi and zhenyue
err.. no comment =x [ haha actually she's jus playing with her hair but she so suay kinda shot in an inappropriate angle, lol..]

this is kumaran, our sec sch fren, he's working at tcc bugis.. yup

think he's shy lah.. haha
ok finally a grp pic to end the great dinner
Thursday, March 22, 2007;2:14 PM
TKB's birthday~
hmm.. i know this is kinda long ago but wadeva i shall update it since i've the pics
so on the 22nd, we meet all meet up went to vivocity to walk around, bought a ripcurl bag for TKB's present, den more walking and finally when all e peeps arrived cept apple, we went in to Earl's Swensen to settle down first while waiting for her
Basically Earl's a nicer n more expensive version of swensen.. the menu roughly contains the same food, the ambience is nice, has a view of the sea n sentosa..
from left - jiahui, ming woei, huixian & birthday boy tkb

kt deeply in thoughts.. =s

hmm.. maybe long cheng don't like the sun?

erm long cheng, wrong pose, oops..

Ooo.. scandal =)

while waiting for apple, me bernard kt and long cheng went outside to see the view..
took a pic of the sentosa building or someting like that..

jail birds wanna-be XD

there he goes again..

happy three friends =D

moments later, apple arrived.. whee time to order food..

apple with her trusty mirror =S
ming woei trying to evade but failed, oh well my camera skills are second to none.. HA!

apple trying to act sad.. maybe..

this is the third time.. gosh
haha bernard looks very funny in this picture..
salads aint gonna make us full.. serve us our main dishes!
during our meal didnt took much pics cus everyone was busy eating.. haha surprisingly, alot if us order the sirlon steak.. quite special, the steak comes with blueberry sauce.. sweet! =D
den we had our dessert, fondue, haha.. not bad i can say..

next the birthday cake came.. he seems happy to be able to make a wish, haha..
well cake always comes with a price.. he cant use hands to eat =b
well all in all, had a great time hangin out and celebrating.. tkb's currently at china nw for itp.. probably trying to flirt with the china girls in the process =S, oh well.. haha who know, he might bring back a china wife.. XD
Tuesday, March 20, 2007;2:56 PM
Just some random pics while im bored..haha pics taken during work,
orange coloured toothpaste =)
different types of toothpaste
yup thats me, it aint a toothpaste, taken while sitting on a trolley, waiting for my colleague.. lonely me, lol
yup another one.. oops

this few days kinda slack.. most of the time im doing nth in particular.. aint got nth to do anyways.. no pc at home.. only got my ps2 hanging around my room, pathetic =S
is there any contest where i can win a new pc or mayb even a lappy? =D
Monday, March 19, 2007;4:33 PM
moi pc is still not back =(
hey guys, finally managed to update my blog.. cant update at home tho i have a very FAST (64mb ram) pc.. but nw im at my workplace so can update =D
well the past 3 weeks of attachment is good.. haha free food n stuff, the people there are really nice, always joking around when there is time to, haha n yup i can oso surf the net when im bored..
so for those who duno, im currently working at Symrise Pte Ltd - a flavour & fragrance company at pandan loop and im working under the mint lab dept.. most of the time i make toothpaste samples lah.. ha =)
i like their company bus, cus if u miss the one at jurong east [8am], u can still catch the 3 other buses at clementi [8:05, 8:10, 8:15] haha so i always purposely wake up late so i can take the 8 10 bus.. 10 mins of slp does matter! =S
well i still have tkb n zhen yue's birthday pics haven posted yet, ya i noe its very long liao but my newer com's not back yet.. but mayb i can bring my camera n trasnfer the pics to my workplace de PC, ha! i shall do that by this week..
wah nw it's already 5 le, 30 more mins to go.. haha todae time pass by real fast, so fast that it's wickedly sick, lol..
although u guys might not believe me, but my pc is gonna come back this week, i promise!
gees, i realised i've been without my good ol' com for nearly 2 months!! wth is this!? argh, i miss dota [alot], music [quite alot] & blogging so much sia..
well hope no more restart or overheating of my pc when i get it back.. if not im gonna burn down the whole freaking damn pc shop till it's DOMINATED!!