Tuesday, August 28, 2007;1:33 AM
Hmm doing practically nothing today cept dota, eat & watch tvee..guess it's time to hit the gym soon, im getting more and more unhealthier so im typing this entry..and hope thurs work would be fun.. 10 hrs of working time sure is long =Saltogether 40 hours of work in 4 days, tsk tsk this is how im gonna spend my wkends den, haha =)
and i think next week needa pia our fyp le, no time to slack rh! hahaha~Anyways, this guy has a few nice songs in his album 'cigarettes and gasoline', yup he is Emerson Hart.. nice name too, haha..maybe i can call myself Kenny Emerson, sounds nice, Lol..
songs i recommend in this album would be:
1) Friend to a Stranger2) I wish the best for you3) If you're gonna leave
be sure to catch his songs, err.. maybe on imeem? hahaha oops
Monday, August 27, 2007;5:09 AM
ok firstly i wanna thank emily for my b'day present
yup, she bought a nice looking Nike© bottle for me..
now i got this, i don't needa use any bottle that looks lik soy sauce bottle, Lol..
anyways went to Vivo with AJH yesterday, bought a shirt and present for rainy, like FINALLY..i hope she dun mind this very super belated present which i don't know when im gonna pass it to her.. maybe i ask apple help me pass to her bah, haha..done with the shopping, we decided to watch a movie.. hmm evan almighty time slot is quite late, so we watched Hairspray™ insteadit's embarassing to say but this is my first time watching at Vivo, Ha! and lucky for us, the theatre was GVmax, very big imo..*ahem* enough of that, so back to Hairspray™, this musical-like kinda movie is great!it's comedy, great songs & dance, good actors/actress and good plot all wrapped up into one..
The story is about this girl, Tracy (Nikki Blonsky), who lives in Baltimore always wanted to be starred in the local dance show called 'The Corny Collins Show' it's a show where the famous teens in college dance and sing..
however, things are not gonna be easy for her to try to get in this show, due to the evil manager, Velma Von Tussle (Michelle Pfeiffer)with the help of the friends and bestie Penny (Amanda Bynes), they managed to get her into the show, but will she last long in show? Go watch it to find out, haha =)
Here's the pic of Tracy's mother, Edna (John Travolta) & Tracy (Nikki Blonsky)
the show sponsored by a hairspray company so using hairspray for special effects is never a problem!
think my favourite character in the show would be Penny (Amanda Bynes)she's a clumsy and blur teenager, and always seen sucking lollipop while with her bestie Tracysome of her actions make her like a joker, but she still looks pretty and cute doing that, ha..
Her strict mother tieing her up to stop her from leaving the house, tsk tsk shitter mum..
overall i think i would give it a 3.9 / 5, be sure to catch it if you have the time~so after the show, we went to eat at Terra, the food sucks! the dory fish aint nice at all..should hav tried the Modesto's, looks pretty neat!hmm so after that went home and here i am, ending my entry now, cya around!
Saturday, August 25, 2007;6:03 PM
Whoo! exams had been over for the past 2-3 days
and im currently doing err.. pretty much nothing, haha
well today is a 'not going out' day for me, jus wanna stay home & rot =)
anyways, ruth helped some of us online to edit a pic and add some taglines inside, NICE!! thanks ruth~
this one's mine..
It's not that crying doesn't solve anything, it just dissolves them..

well as for the last day of paper, we went vivo to eat Marche™
Spent the most among us, due to the STEAK, HAHAHA!
steak was not bad, abit too small tho, haha oops
then after that drank my long awaited Green Tea Frap~ from Starbucks©
tsk tsk totally spent my 40$ which i withdrew when i reached vivo.. oh man
then yesterday went to meet yensiang and ajh to apply for the IT fair job at funan
and we met ruth lihong and sooyin at JE mrt, so went to raffles city to eat our lunch first
once again i took out money from the ATM again, tsk tsk this is bad,
but still got to eat so bo bian loh..
after the job application, me and ajh went to cut hair
while the yensiang went home to Zzz, tsk tsk..
whoo my hair is so short now, haha!
Hmm.. hope tmr i can do some shopping and top up my Snacks at home!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007;4:02 PM
3 Down, 1 more to go !!!argh, left 2 more days to break free from my misery =Sprevious 3 papers think i did badly, and i dun expect the last one to be easy.. for me that ishope i dun forward any of them can le, good luck to me~
Thursday, August 16, 2007;11:28 PM
whoo a big thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday and send me presents err.. last week, a bit late to post this up but im still gonna do it.. hahabernard was the first one to wished me, haha nakama jiu shi nakama!den after soon a few more other sms-es came =Dhmm to sum up the presents,a unique designed puma bag from my lovely cousin jiale and his family
got a limited ed slurping-ape shirt from
yi wen, hanni, jia xin, yuan hoe, sui chang, xin yu and sharonso sorry to make u all went back and change the size, nxt time i will become bigger size de, Lol..oh ya can only show the box cus the shirt take to wash liao.. nice box by the way =)
erm.. tigger card from apple rainy and tkb, think apple's got a irresistable obsession on tigger le Lol.. don't know why keep mentioning bout tigger, tsk tsk~
she even put her own pic with her in her lab coat, haha creative..
yup, the 3 of them gave me this as a present, wow gd stuff, gang hao i need some cologne, haha =)
here's the box..
and fri around evening, 3 people came up to my house door and knock on it, then i saw 2 guys and 1 shitter, oops.. ajh, xiao ming and yen siang came visit me with donuts!! hahaha wow touched once again~ Lol.. i tink it's some post birhtday gift for me, so good sia =D
they even decorate the box~
they wrote some nice and funny stuff inside also, haha but don't know who go put 'baka, baka' inside, tsk tsk so rude~ oops!
and also last sat, shawn desmond huibing ber and kt treated me to steak at indulgz, haha took some pics of the food oso
cheese fondue, i don't like it, eat until wanna puke sia.. haha

the dessert - earl gray pinna cotta, totally delicious!

small but delicious steak, it's not this small lah.. this is b4 my last bite den took de, haha..

and not to forget my parents who gave me ang bao, they really duno what to buy for me liao, Lol.. and my sis, for buying the psp for me =D
Saturday, August 11, 2007;11:47 PM
08/08/07went to school library at around 1+ to study with shawn they all,haha den shun bian pass yi wen the shirt to change size, Lol.. thx alot girls =xstudy study till 6+ den went to meet AJH, xiao ming, huibing, and ys to go La Voz for some K session whoo~ here we are.. but they are still not opened yet~so took some pics while waiting for the person to arrive and open the door for us..

whoo after waiting for around 15 minutes, they are finally opened!curvy mirros~.JPG)
ok the first thing we do when we were in the room was to play risk, instead of choosing songs, haha...JPG)
but after placing our little troops all around the map, we totally forgot bout the game and went to sing, haha oops..of cus not to forget to take some pics in between =D.JPG)
multiple shots with timer!

alright, here's the part where im TOTALLY touched by this GORGEOUS girl called yensiangshe say she go toilet den after like 30 mins long she came back with a muffin bought from bugis junction's starbucks.. ya you didnt heard wrongly, she went all the way from La Voz to bugis den all the way walked back to La Voz just to buy a muffin.. i broke down on the spot and cried a river.. (ok this sentence is fake, haha oops).. but ya, im really VERY touched, this was like the highestlight of my day, haha THX ALOT YS!!wah, this b'day not bad sia, got twins help me sing b'day song, HAHA..
the totally delicious muffin brought all e way from bugis..
after that we sing sing sing from 7+ to 10+.. den went to toilet b4 paying the bills..
heard that the toilet is haunted, so we went to check it out..
OMG, it's really haunted.. a shitter inside the toilet!! oops..
yensiang and ajh at the counter..
time to head to cine to watch movie 'the secret'
raffles hospital looks nice from this angle, haha..
huibing went off after La Voz, so it's down to the 4 of us..
AJH & Xiao Ming
guess who's the extra here, haha oops
we went to xing wang cafe to eat our dinner b4 the movie..
the batok neighbours (losers), hahaha..
some pics to waste our time off while waiting for the food,.JPG)
whoo food is here!

we drew some faces on the receipt, which the waiter will need it to calculate the bill, Oops~

off to watch 'the secret' after dinner..
have to say the show's pretty great for a first timer director like jay chou, yup just when you thought the show is just some plain and sweet love story kinda show, the plot get twisted in the middle of the show.. well watch it to know what happens.. other that the plot, they have great sceneries and piano pieces played by jay and yu hao (from nan quan mama)
oh ya guess wad? jay's name in the show is called yen siang lun, haha wad a name!
here's jay and his on-screen lover lu xiao yu
huang qiu shen act as his father in this show
amazingly! nan quan mama cameo in this movie, one played as his schoolmate, the other is his piano competitor and the third one acted as a cd shop owner.. lara didnt not appear in this show for some reason..
well overall, it's a good show, worth the money.. i'll give it 3.5 / 5had a great day, thx alot guys! =D