Day 1
met up at bedok to buy the chalet stuffs and off we go to aloha chalet~
too bad we booked the Aloha Terrace, only consist of 2 rooms
so we have to cramp in the 2 double decker beds for the guys
so we have to cramp in the 2 double decker beds for the guys
if only we booked the Bungalow, uh huh.. lots of space!
here is suichang, slacking at the sofa watching tv
apple playing with her phone
uno game with a twist, haha..
shawn and desmonds cooked dinner for us
curry rice and spag with creamy sauce
i have to say it's nice for chalet foods, haha =)
err dun hav much of day1 pics on my camera, so ya on we go to day 2..
Day 2
most of us woked up in the morning, washed up and slacked around..
then xiao ming & jiahui came, whoo whee..
and after our sumptous lunch at kopitiam, it's cycle time!
oh ya by the way, DON'T rent the bikes from the aloha chalet bicycle shop
the auntie gave us bicycles which spoils easily
and some of them were even newly bought, as claimed by her!
not only we have bicycles that have punctured tires, another bike could not even run properly!
TOTALLY expensive and lousy bikes
i repeat, NEVER ever rent the bikes from there..
ok enough of complaining, on to the fun part,
BBQ time! whoo satays, chicken wings, nuggets, fries~
was bored after awhile, so took pics of some of their shirts
from top left clockwise (xiaoming, apple, jiahui, me)
look at this, oops~
eat halfway le, decided to play sparkles!
bernard and desmond join in to take picture with the girls..

our desserts after bbq, taste nice but too sweet for me
our desserts after bbq, taste nice but too sweet for me
im not a sweet guy, so ya..
as the nite creeps in deeper and deeper..
we have people playing ps2
and Snacks!
Day 3
Sunrise, time to wake.. packed and go home..
hmm, shall update on the botanic and ruth's b'day soon~
till then!