Friday, March 28, 2008;10:07 PM
hmm today is really a slacking day,
reach office at around 8+
then after awhile boss came in
asked us move some boxes out of the container
and we can pack and leave after that..
and off he went in his car with his daughter, to swimming..
so by the time we are done, i looked at my watch, 10 15 only, wad the..
and yup, work was damn short today, 2 hrs..
so the 4 of us indulged ourselves by taking cab back to jurong point
where me and bernard had our lunch there and went home to slack all the way, till now..
haha i hope tmr would be something like that too, ok i won't be greedy, maybe can leave at 1pm? oops..
by the way, here's an overview picture of the whole ship..
Tuesday, March 25, 2008;12:27 AM
went to watch Step Up 2 with ruth, sooyin and liangjue just now,
was raining heavily around the time i ended work, so got drenched quite a bit to reach the bustop,
took train to meet up with the girls at cine for movie..
unlike Step Up 1, this time they are taking the dancing competition to the streets!
but somehow the storyline wasnt as detailed as the first.. but we dun actually look out for the details for this kinda movie don't we?
anyways the storyline is about this girl andie who was forced out of her crew as she didnt have time for them, then she and a guy called chase, gathered some people from the sch and formed their own crew to compete in the streets.. inbetween there's alot of dance moves and music, yup and oh ya, a cameo of the guy from step up 1.. and unfortunately, he danced way better than the girl and the guy from this show.. the show was quite long, almost 2 hours i think, still worth despite the lack of a few things to it..
the main leads

dancing in the rain, seriously i think that it's the effect from the rain that they won, haha oops spoilers.. but it's not like ur gonna guess the main leads were gonna lose rite? haha..

was around 10 when we got out of the place, and we just chatted abit from cine to orchard station, yup.. a short, small yet good outing, and tmr we are all going back to reality, WORK, omg!! i've been working for like 11 days straight alrdy, i really need a break..
Thursday, March 20, 2008;11:52 PM
wow, haven't been blogging for a week, cus been busy working this few days, yup you didnt heard wrongly, im like finally working lah (but not as a president who's shaking leg arh.. lol)
last friday while i was outside, then bernard called me, ask me wan work a not, then i heard the abit details of the job, which is quite attractive, erm so i agreed, haha
anyways my job is being an admin inside a ship, yup that's right but a stationary ship that is..
most of the work or rather all the work i did was photocopying documents, therefore im also being called the photocopier boy by someone, after using the photocopier machine for like 3 days 8 hrs per day, i've been quite a pro in it, Lol.. so maybe nxt time u can see me opening a photocopying shop ya?
a look on the outisde the deck of the ship..

many constructions going on right now..

bernard hanging around the place, waiting for his dumb dumb's sms.. hahaha oops!

our pantry area where we make coffee and my fav oat biscuits

this is a really huge crane, weighing like 3000 tonnes?
imagine it crushing down on u, like bernard said, really can become ba chuo (minced meat), lol..

everyday, the most anticipated time for me is 11+, which is the lunch time =)
best thing bout it that it's not only free but u can eat as much as u like, something like buffet ya?
haha, best of all, everyday without fail, got BEEF, wow!
top left the dark colored meat is the BEEF!

well most likely gonna work till this wkend, so gonna be real busy for now, cept tmr (friday) where i can go "swimming", hahaha alright before i finish up my entry, i want to thank bernard's dad for driving us to work for this few mornings, im touched!! ok shall stop here, till next update!
Thursday, March 13, 2008;11:08 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008;7:03 PM
Desmond and Shawn's Birthday Celebration on 1st March~
1st march was a saturday so it was free for most of the people attending the celebration, i think there were like 15 people? somewhere there.. dinner was at Ding Tai Feng at Paragon
those attending were:
Hope i'm not forgetting anyone.. oops!
some pictures taken

desmond and shawn cutting cake (i think the latter is still pissed at me for irritating him yesterday, Lol)

Desmond got a present wrapped in newspaper?! =O

The delicious and addictive xiao long bao!

Apple & Zhong and jiaxin were the late-comers where jiaxin had something on while for the couple, i don't know why they were late, maybe strolling along orchard road and riding bike slowly and romantically on an expressway, go figure!
anyways, after the dinner, we were stuck at paragon thinking where to go next, in the end went to cine's 9th floor for some CS! hahaha, it was really fun doing all those crap stunts like killing own teamates, Lol..
round 10+ to 11 desmond, bernard and kt decided to go my house play overnite mahjong, which by 5am i was half dead already, hahaha..
Friday, March 07, 2008;8:54 PM
just saw the notice thx to zhen yue, yi wen and xin yu for telling me the news..
Angela’s Live @Singapore 2008 - Postponed
Angela’s Live @Singapore scheduled to take place on 29 March at the Singapore Expo has been postponed due to Angela Chang’s ill-health. Angela is currently undergoing a thorough medical check and her work schedule has been put on hold to allow her time to rest and recuperate.
VizPro Entertainment has only just received this official notification from Angela’s Taiwan artiste management. We wish Angela a speedy recovery and thank all fans and media for their warm support of Angela. Angela’s Live @Singapore will be tentatively postponed to May 2008; exact details will be released shortly.
the reason for postponing should be due to recent news bout her illness which is associated with heart disease or something, and is now at canada undergoing checkup.. i hope she really have a very speed-light recovery and get back in shape and to good health =)
in the mean time i shall wait for 2 months, oh well, shall listen to her songs for now..
Thursday, March 06, 2008;2:59 AM
well these past weeks i've been doing nothing much cept playing viwawa, GC and listening to alot of Zhang Shao Han Songs, can't wait for her concert, which is like 20+ more days, hahaha..
Viwawa (wahjong aka mahjong) =)
been playing with alot of people like desmond liangjue kt emily and zhen yue, haha but playing the real one is actually more exciting, haha i think they should know what i meant..

on and off, playing only when the mood is right..

been talking to a few people online also, some of them are working while online on msn(haha slacking job huh..) and heard that their job is not bad, which is good to hear from them, and of cus chatting with those rotting at home with me too, lol..
well IT fair is coming right up, can take the time to get some gadgets and visit KT who is working for Starhub starting from today (thursday), those who are free can go visit him =)
that's it for now..
Wednesday, March 05, 2008;2:49 AM
i'm addicted to this song =)张韶涵 - 猜不透