last last sunday went to IMM to meet up with KT and Desmond for the F.I.R concert tickets autography session..there aint as many people as those ordinary autograph sessions cus they only sign concert tickets, ha! which is good since i don't needa queue for long for it..was still early when we reached, so managed to take a shot of the stage and stuff..
we waited for like erm, at least 30 mins and listening to music played from the album over and over again, the stage was finally occupied by the MC of the day, Zhiyong from 933fm, but where's peifen?!

so the MC talked some crap and finally, they came..
surprised to see one member short? yes, it's ah qing, he was absent for the autograph session for the 2nd time in a row, haha..
he was hold up at the airport regarding his NS issues (he still haven went for NS, surprisingly..)
so in the end, couldn't make it in time..

Faye sang 1 or 2 songs, cant remember, haha..

along with jian ning lao shi (for some reason, he got the face that makes me laugh, lol..)

i have to admit, Faye is pretty pretty, hahaha..

next was the auction, it was a package of 2 concert tix (it's at the FIRST ROW, center position), along with some goodies and jian ning lao shi' own private collection of all the albums from FIR..
starting bid was around 200+ and in a short while it escalated quickly to 400, then 600 and in the end, the final bid was at 700+.. me and kt wanted to purpose help jack up the value, but we scared later no1 wanna bid after ours, so we gave up the idea, ha..
in the end, this guy got it.. and get to sing a song with Faye and take pics =O
the goodies and tix

ah hah! finally the autograph session..
me and kt waiting to go on stage..
and wow kt did a brave thing, he helped me ask for FIR to sign on my tix "happy birthday" on my tix, since my brithday was on the day of the concert, thx KT!
here's the autograph with happy birthday =)

after that, hung out around IMM, and they went my house for dinner,
yup, that's bout it..
special thanks to desmond for the pics =)