whew~ book out pretty early today, somewhere near 12..
was on the cab home, but hungry as i most of the time am,
i asked the uncle to take me to
IMM instead, ha!
had mushroom swiss at
BK - that's the first and only burger i eat even till now
now bought bubble tea home and drink, rot till now
uploaded some photos from last thursday
family christmas gatheringshall post it up asap, since im gonna go out soon - for
04 xmas gathering! (yes, i know we should have done that long ago, but time's not at our side)
ok maybe just one pic, oops =x
i thought it's pretty
artistically neat, but
someone beg to differ eh? =/

nice right!? ya i know it is, thanks!!
hmm.. few more hours i will be..
-going to a
new camp-entering a
new company-living in a
new bunk-having a
new pillow and bed-getting to know
new bunk mates(don't like the sound of this, call me
anti-social if you want, lol!)
-hoping i would be with
bernard and
desmond in the same company, platoon and very hopefully, the same bunk too(please let this happen..)
oh well, looking forward to
christmas which is just 2 more days away(
obliviously not counting today as i'm a pretty
optimistic person in this kinda situations, haha)
before ending this entry, i would like to present a
magnificent picture i edited
*evil grin*
oops! let's just hope he don't see this, well at least he's won't be for the next 2 days..
good luck to those entering new unit later!(i need
lots of luck, huat arh!)
lovely song & pretty interesting lyrics..
"Come Home"
[Verse 1]
Hello world
Hope you're listening
Forgive me if I’m young
For speaking out of turn
There’s someone I’ve been missing
I think that they could be
The better half of me
They’re in the wrong place trying to make it right
But I’m tired of justifying
So i say you’ll..
Come home
Come home
Cause I’ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I’ve ever known
So come home
[Verse 2]
I get lost in the beauty
Of everything i see
The world ain’t as half as bad
As they paint it to be
If all the sons
If all the daughters
Stopped to take it in
Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin
It might start now..Yeahh
Well maybe I’m just dreaming out loud
Until then
Come home
Come home
Cause I’ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I’ve ever known
Ever known
So come home
Everything i can’t be
Is everything you should be
And that’s why i need you here
Everything i can’t be
Is everything you should be
And that’s why i need you here
So hear this now
Come home
Come home
Cause I’ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all i see is you and me
The fight for you is all I’ve ever known
Ever known
So come home
Come home
*some of the pictures may appear too small, click on them to enlarge
*credits to desmond and hanni for the original photos
*credits to yiwen for providing the jokes for us to laugh
KL TRIP 14/12/08 - 16/12/08
Day1 14th dec 2008, sunday
this time we had 6 people going!
me desmond hanni yiwen huiyi & charmainemet up at
bukit timal plaza at around 7am, awaiting for the bus to come
in the midst of waiting, yiwen's parents chatted with me, bout NS and stuff
just as we were to board the bus, her parents told me something..
"if yiwen misbehave, you guys have the permission to beat her up,
that was the first joke of the trip..
and then we happily board on the bus..

this is what should be
on his mind at that time.. (typo here, should be beer & not bear, lol)

in between the journey, had a break at
yongpeng, bought some
ramlee burgers to eat
we were starving!!
alright back on to the bus for the rest of the journey
and finally at around 3pm, we
FINALLY reached our hotel
Royale Bintangthis time the bus trip took much longer due to the jam near the customs, but oh well, suck thumb
took a quick rest while unpacking our stuffs in the room, and of cus took some photos

then off we went eating & shopping, wooot!
lunch/dinner at
Jalan Alor(same place as the last trip)

right after that, we took a little walk down
Jalan Petaling aka

inside the street is like a very cramp and crowded basar malam,
selling all sorts of things, ranging from bags to clothings to food..
you can find all those "branded" stuff here, if you know what i mean =)
they had
prada, gucci, burberry, fred perry etc etc..
the best thing about this place is that you can bargain
me des and hanni were bargaining so much that we were addicted, Lol!!
managed to bring down the price by
4-5 fold !!we walked so many rounds around the place that some of the stall owners regconised us(in a bad way), and didnt want to do our business(cus we are such
great bargainers that they were scared of us, HA!)
Hanni was definitely the
big winner here for th day, she bought the most stuff in the less amount of time! following behind is
me and desmond.. then
yiwen is
third only because hy and charmaine didnt bought anything, hahaha oops!
Supper was
KFC feast, brought back to the hotel to eat
washed up, played some cards and slowly one by one dozed off Zzz..
Day2 15th dec 2008, monday5 45am..
rise and shine! Desmond was the IC for the day "
Reference Row Ready!"
Lol, the 2 of us were doing
morning PT in the room, no run though, haha
after that all of us changed and went down for breakfast buffet
the food imo was not as much and tasty as the one from Berjaya Time Square
BUT! the room condition was definitely much better here at royale
reason for waking so early was hoping to get tickets at
KLCC to go up the twin towers
but they were
closed on monday, tough luck~ (the last time we went they were out of tickets, gees)
went back to our rooms to slack, until 10am and we went KLCC to shop..
halfway there, stopped by
starbucks, me and charmaine went to get some dose of caffine..
while the rest started picture-taking

walked past the fountain, and like before,
ready camera action!
continued walking, and we ended up at a
park near KLCCjust as we were gonna play the playground there..
quite faraway, we could see someone (from what i believed to be a sercurity) blowing the whistle towards our direction, somehow warning us that we
cant play at the playground
WRONG WITH HER(the sercurity guard)!?
was there a sign that said "children only"?
NO! (and we don't look like
cute little kids meh?)
was there a sign that said "no tourists"?
NO!ended up we found some quiet and open space(miles away from the beeper)
then we played "
1,2,3 mu tou ren"
desmond was the person calling out, while the rest of us were the ones trying to run to him and
touch him, so when he called out "mu tou ren" we have to
freeze our motions..and that
cheater yiwen pushed me and ended up we both went back to the start line =/

took quite alot of pictures right after..

finally in to KLCC to have lunch..
and guess what we were having for lunch!?
*drum roll"A&W!! woooot!

remember those
rootbeer floats and
curly fries you had when you were young??

ok, don't really have any pictures from here onwards, so i'm gonna keep it short if possible..
shopped around the shopping mall, wow it's like suntec city, but better!
even the information board is advanced with computerised touch panel
on the way back to the hotel, desmond bought a pair of slippers for just
1.50RM!! (~75 cents SGD)
where the heck can you find slippers this cheap in singapore!?
took a break from the walking at our rooms,
then we changed our shopping destination to
sungei wangrealising that we could not find much things to buy there,
we turned to times square to shop!
the bottom floors had those shop selling branded stuff
while the upper floors is just like far east plaza
broke up into 3 groups:
me & desmond,
huiyi & charmaine,
hanni & yiweneach of us bought a few things here and there, soon enough the shops were slowly closing down for the night..
all of us met up at
Auntie Anus(Annie's, oops sorry i love to call by that name instead, just like i call the cookie shop "
famous anus" haha!)
bought some
pretzels back and makan~
that's pretty much for day 2
Day3 16th dec 2008, tuesdaylast day of the trip, didnt had much to do except to shop so we woke up at 7+ instead to have breakfast, then slowly packed and stuff and put it at the lobby, and off we go to shop!
we were back at times square(again), cus we know we still had so much more to shop there!
so we shopped in grps of 2..
after that, had lunch at
marrybrown(but yiwen called it
MARINAbrown, Lol wth!)
bought pretzels back to the bus to eat, and there we were, back to singapore..
dropped off at bukit timah plaza, by the time it's already 9+ i think..
quickly had dinner at
mac's KAP, oh and we saw
shawn-sideview-lookalike with
spike HAIR there, LOL!
des sent hanni home
i shared cab with huiyi
while yiwen took cab home, alone, so sad =)
that's all for the trip, more details can be found at
yiwen's blogbefore i end this entry,
one last picture..enjoy!!

Bon voyage to our
stanley toh kian tiong for his trip to
vietnam to find a vietnam wife for his family trip, haha!
right after the next day he come back to singapore, he's gonna be enlisted to NS
so i won't be seeing him for quite a few weeks man, not until christmas,
gosh gonna miss him =/
putting that aside, went out to celebrate
jiaxin's birthday with KT desmond yiwen and hanni on sat at
glasshouse fish&co, but right before that we all watched
four christmasquite a funny show, and somehow their families were pretty messed up and stuff
however, this show really sets me thinking of what to do with life, like how i'm gonna plan the road ahead etc.
the best quote from the movie i think would be
"you can't spell families without lies"quite interesting eh? =)
pictures are gonna come later, when desmond upload them (heard it's gonna take quite some time =O )
anyways, an update of what's coming up soon..
2 more days to POP6 more days to KL trip7 more hours to last book-in to tekongwell that's all for now folks!