finally got the chance to try steak at this place, with kendrick. HAHA!
the steaks were SUPERBLY FANTASTIC!! and before you placed an order, one of the staff will give you a visual presentation of all the different types of steaks and their seafood
totally new experience for the both of us, cus usually at other places you would just look at the menu and placed an order. And guys i got to say, it's the MOST expensive steak i EVER ate in my ENTIRE life! their steak prices ranged from 80+ to 100+$. not only that, their mashed potato cost a freaking 16$!! we also ordered the Morton's Legendary Hot Chocolate Cake, 20+$, but it's really nice! hahaha
putting the expensive labels aside, their services were really good until every few minutes, the staffs would come to the table and ask if the food is alright and stuff like that..
food were really tasty and professional, when you ordered a MEDIUM done steak, it's really MEDIUM done(cooked on the outer layer, little pinkish in the middle of the meat)
the waiting time was pretty long, partly due to large crowd of customers eating. so picture time while waiting~
ambient was pretty good and cosy
it's really the best steak anywhere!!(in singapore at least)
one of the staff was over-helpful that she tried to help us take a picture when she saw us taking by ourselves, whoops!
Food time!!
this is the complimentary Onion Loaf they give for our appetizers
by the way, this is just a quarter of the whole damn loaf! (free!)
the super expensive Mashed Potato with bacon bits on top (16$)
My Double-Cut Mignon Filet (80+$)
it's very THICK, so i sliced it into half first, if not i'm gonna have a hard time cutting the meat!
Kendrick's Rib-Eye (80+$)
this is really how a medium done looks like, dont look at mine cus i asked for a little bloody oozing out from the inside, HAHA!
Morton's Legendary Hot Chocolate Cake, with french vanilla ice cream (20+$)
see the amount of thick chocolate oozing out of the cake!
thumb up for the steak!
totally in love with the steak (:
all in all, a very fantastic dinner, best steak i ever had and best price too.. LOL!